When dealing with, say, a lingering party guest who puked in your toilet tank, it’s important to be forceful when expressing it’s time to leave. Unfortunately, while a drunk guy might eventually respond to your commands, a yellow-bellied marmot almost never will.

That didn’t stop Reddit user tydalt from trying, however, as the above, obscenity-filled video attests.

After receiving criticism for his corralling techniques, tydalt posted a brief explanation of his actions. From Reddit:

Ok, because everyone keeps bringing it up. The front door and back door were wide open. I’m not even close to moving in, Just doing an inspection of sorts.

I closed all the bedroom doors. I literally had nothing to corral the dude with.

After his first foray into the laundry room I closed that door.

He just refused to go left or right out an open door.

Dude was acting sketchy and rodents in this part of the country carry the fucking PLAGUE.

I was kind to him.

And, to be fair, it’s a whole lot easier to stay calm when it’s not your feet the goddamn plague squirrel is running between.

[h/t Death and Taxes]