Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the ex-IMF chief and disgraced French stereotype who escaped rape charges in New York City in 2011, is now being accused of aggravated pimping for his participation in a series of wild sex parties that often employed the talents of prostitutes.

DSK, whose wife left him last year after her husband became embroiled in one-too-many sex scandals, doesn't dispute that the sex romps took place, but he denies knowing the women who attended to him were prostitutes. As if to say, "Monsieur, how was I to understand that these beautiful young gamines weren't sleeping with my 64-year-old lecherous ass out of genuine attraction?"

The parties, which sound not unlike Italian politician Silvio Berlusconi's infamous "bunga bunga" bashes, have been the subject of a year-long investigation, according to the New York Daily News. "Pimping" under French law can mean anything that encourages the act of prostitution.

DSK's lawyer has said of the charges, "We’re sending someone to court for nothing." If convicted, DSK faces up to 10 years in prison and a fine of about $2 million.

[Image via AP]