[There was a video here]

St. Louis County Police say that about 60 people were arrested on Monday after Michael Brown protestors shut down both lanes of traffic on Interstate 70 in Earth City, Missouri, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports.

According to KSDK, protestors stretched across the highway at about 5:20 p.m., linking hands and putting down yellow boxes reading, “Ferguson is Everywhere.”

While the protesters were largely successful in halting traffic, one vehicle broke through the line in a disturbing moment caught on camera by reporter Cassandra Fairbanks.

At around 5:45 p.m., police reportedly managed to clear the highway, immediately arresting protesters that refused to leave and later arresting others in nearby parking lots.

Combined with 57 people arrested earlier today outside the St. Louis federal courthouse, police in St. Louis County have arrested over 100 demonstrators during today’s protests a year and a day after the death of Michael Brown.