[There was a video here]

Mariah Carey, she of a thousand octaves and probably a few more only dogs can hear, accidentally left her voice at home Wednesday during NBC's annual Christmas broadcast.

During her annual rendition of "All I Want for Christmas Is You," Carey missed most of the high notes she's famous for, leaving her backup singers to pick up the slack. It was disappointing.

(Here's last year's for comparison.)

According to TMZ, Carey was actually supposed to pre-tape her segment Tuesday but allegedly blew off her scheduled time slot for a phone meeting with her divorce attorney. When she finally showed up, three hours late, NBC execs sent her home without filming.

She later apologized on Twitter:

Taking a page from Bill O'Reilly, the network reportedly decided, Fuck it, we'll do it live, and relented, giving Mariah a last-minute spot on Wednesday's broadcast.

It wasn't her best performance. But then again, it wasn't her worst. At least it was live! Let's just blame Nick Cannon for this and hope next year goes better.