Yesterday evening, Donovan Lawson allegedly tried to fare-beat at the Myrtle Avenue-Broadway JMZ station. An NYPD officer at the station responded by smashing Lawson's face in with a nightstick, causing blood to gush down the 20-year-old's face.

According to Gothamist, Lawson refused to show the officer his ID. The officer then attempted to arrest Lawson. At this point the camera begins recording, capturing Lawson allegedly resisting arrest. The video shows the officer swinging his nightstick at Lawson's legs and then, for some reason, his face, opening a large wound on the side of the unarmed man's face.

Lawson, somewhat understandably, flees before the officer catches up with him and pulls him from the station. Before finally being taken away, Lawson—his face now covered with blood—stands outside surrounded by cops as a friend hugs him.

Lawson was treated at Woodhull Hospital for cuts on his head. He was later charged with fare beating, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and obstructing government administration. The cop was taken to Wyckoff Heights Medical Center and treated for injuries to his hand and arm, and is reportedly under investigation by the NYPD's Internal Affairs department.

[h/t Daily Intel]