A stripper and porn performer claims she had two rough sexual encounters with fallen moralist and former reality TV personality Josh Duggar, kid number 1 of 19 (and counting), earlier this year while Josh’s wife Anna was pregnant with their fourth child.

Danica Dillon peddled her story to In Touch, and in it she paints Josh as an obsessive fan who enjoyed violent, unprotected sex. You can tell she’s telling the truth, too, because In Touch reports it made her pass a polygraph test, a time-honored lie-detection method that hasn’t been significantly updated since the ‘30s and isn’t admissible in court.

Dillon—real name Ashley Lewis—claims she met Duggar in March when she was performing at Philadelphia’s Gold Club.

“He walked into the Gold Club like a normal patron and said he’d been a fan for a long time and has watched my career grow — he even said from before my boob job until recently — and that he loved watching my very first scene on [an adult website],” she told In Touch. “Then it got creepy.”

Yes, after he allegedly used the debonair and totally foolproof “I liked you even before your boob job” pickup line, then it allegedly “got creepy.”

In Dillon’s telling, Josh bought $600 worth of private dances and eventually asked how he could spend the night with her. She says she agreed to take him back to her hotel room in exchange for $1,500, but once they got there, he got sexually violent.

“He was manhandling me, basically tossing me around like I was a rag doll,” Dillon said, “It was very traumatic. I’ve had rough sex before, but this was terrifying.” She also says he didn’t use protection.

According to Dillon, that wasn’t the last time she had sex with Josh, in spite of his creepiness and aggression. She says they met again in April at a club in Colmar, Penn., about an hour north of Philadelphia.

There’s a gap in Josh’s social media posts and speaking schedule during the time of their alleged first encounter at the Gold Club—sometime between March 12 and 14. On March 11, he was in Houston, Texas, with Rick Santorum “standing for #ReligiousFreedom,” and by March 16th he was at home fishing with his son Marcus. There are a few days unaccounted for in between, and they happen to coincide with Dillon’s appearance in Philly.

But why Philadelphia? It’s hours from Josh’s work at the Family Research Council in D.C., but he doesn’t seem to have any compelling reason to visit. Was Josh Duggar, a self-professed porn addict, obsessed with Danica Dillon to the point where he could comment on her pre- and post-boob-job career? Did he go to Philly during a gap in his schedule just to meet her?

Hard to say, because all Dillon would need to make up a plausible story is a date when Josh was unaccounted for on social media and she was stripping anywhere in the Eastern U.S.

The date of their second alleged hookup, April 17 or 18, is a much tougher sell. Danica was performing on both of those nights at the Creekside Cabaret, just north of Philly. On the afternoon of the 16th, Josh was in D.C., complaining about a new roundabout in the Metro, and by the afternoon of the 18th, he was hanging out in the family R.V. with his son, presumably in Arkansas. (His photo is tagged #familycamp, and Fort Rock Family Camp in Arkansas is a repeat Duggar destination. Also, he posted a photo the next day with Anna and the kids, flying out of what appears to be Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport.)

Assuming he drove 3 hours to the Philadelphia-area club shortly after posting that first photo, he would have arrived around 6:30, just as Dillon’s first of two shows that night would’ve been starting. Even if they hooked up right after the club closed at 2 a.m. and only spent an hour together, Josh still would have had to rush back to Washington the next day for a 7 or 8 a.m. flight to Northwest Arkansas Regional that would put him at home in plenty of time to take the R.V. photo.

Here are some photos of Danica’s performance from the night of the 17th (note the date on the throwback Phillies-Cubs score in the background). If Josh was there for this performance, he apparently wasn’t crowding the stage:

The timeline that would put him in Pennsylvania for the alleged tryst is workable, but barely. Assuming Josh’s Instagram photos were uploaded right after he took them—which is admittedly a big leap—he would have had to race to Pennsylvania, fuck a porn star, and race back to guarantee he wouldn’t be caught. There would have been no room for error.

And if you’re thinking that sounds like exactly the kind of thing an obsessed porn fiend would do, consider that although much has been made about Josh befriending strippers with his secret, bogus Facebook profile, most of those “friends” are based in Arkansas, and Danica Dillon wasn’t one of them.

Dillon believes her tale will inspire “plenty more girls” to come forward with stories about sex with the married father of four and former director of the Family Research Council. Considering Josh is an admitted cheater who maintained a paid account on adultery site Ashley Madison, she’s probably right.

Is Josh Duggar awash in his own sexual hypocrisy? Yea, verily. But did he cheat with Danica Dillon, or is she just kicking an unfaithful, moralizing loaf of bread while he’s down? Based on wild speculation and a timeline cobbled together from Instagram timestamps, probably the latter. But I guess we’ll have to wait for Duggar’s next statement about the things Satan has made him do to find out for sure.

Update—What About the Train?: The train, you say? A very good point that makes this alleged rendezvous entirely doable. Assuming Josh was already on the D.C. Metro at 2:41 p.m. Saturday, when he posted the roundabout photo, he could have taken one of five Amtrak trains that would put him at Philly’s 30th Street Station in time to rent a car or take a cab for the 50-minute drive up to the club before closing time. (If he skipped the show and they met at a hotel in Philly proper, we can ignore this drive entirely.)

He would have had to take the 4:40 a.m. train back to D.C., arriving at Union Station around 6:40, which would make an 8:00 flight time tight, but not impossible. He’d likely have to be flying out of Reagan, not Dulles, if he wanted to make the airport on time.

Update 2: A secret Facebook page allegedly belonging to Josh “liked” Danica Dillon, but it didn’t like her official page, because the account owner (Josh?) misspelled her name “Dillan.”

[Photo of Danica Dillon in Philly via Twitter]