News Corp will soon formally split itself into two companies: an entertainment and television company, which actually makes money; and a newspaper and publishing company, which is worth a nickel— but which has a fabulous new logo!

Romenesko got ahold of Robert Thomson's peppy new memo to the News Corp troops who will soon be permanently stranded on the publishing side of things, without all that nice Fox News cash to subsidize all the money-losing newspapers. None of that is important now; what is important is the origin of the bold new logo, pictured above:

Today we are unveiling a new logo that will be our emblem for this future. The name is historic and the script is based on the writing of Rupert and his father, who have provided us all with not only a name, but a remarkable professional platform.

"Boss, gee, I have to say— and pardon me for being so forward— your handwriting is fantastic. Amazingly bold and attractive. Would you mind— would it be too much of an imposition— if I were to make your handwriting the logo for the new company? I just think— if you don't mind me saying so— that your bold and powerful strokes could only benefit us. Kinda looks like how you sign our checks, you know? Kidding. But maybe every time you see our logo, you'll think of sending us a check? Kidding. Seriously though, don't forget us. We're in the newspaper business, for god's sake. Please."

In other news, News Corp just wrote down the value of its publishing business by more than $1 billion. Hey, lookit that logo.

[Romenesko. Pic via]