New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan caused a medium-sized stir on Wednesday after she scolded conservative op-ed columnist and believer in friendship David Brooks for not disclosing that his college-aged son had enlisted as a “lone soldier” in the Israeli army. On Brooks’ side, John Podhoretz, the son of former Commentary editor Norman Podhoretz, tweeted: “Everybody who thinks David Brooks has to ‘reveal’ his son, who’s 23, has joined the Israeli army can go fuck himself.”

The kerfuffle—accusations of “naked anti-semitism” notwithstanding—left us wondering: What kind of son did David Brooks raise? The answer: A balls-to-the-wall bro.

Vital Statistics

Name: Joshua “Josh” Brooks
Age: 23
College: Indiana (’14)
Major: History
Fraternity: Beta Theta Pi
Hometown: Bethesda, Maryland

Dossier (Or, Assorted Bro Activities)

What does a bro raised by David Brooks do with his free time? For starters, Brooks the Younger:

1. Went clubbing in D.C. ... at a David Guetta show

Via Facebook

2. Whipped out the finger-gun ... while volunteering in Kenya

Via Facebook

3. Hanged with his frat bros ... in front of the frat castle

(Middle, open-legged kneel. Via Facebook.)

4. Attended a black-tie event ... in a suit

(Far right, with red tie. Via Facebook.)

5. Pounded brews with his high school bros ... in one of their parents’ kitchens

(Second from right. Via Facebook.)

6. Learned how to shoot a gun ... in the Israel Defense Forces

(L: Middle. R: Top row, third from left. Via Facebook.)

7. Actually liked Tucker Max ... on his public Facebook profile

A sampling of other pages Brooks likes on Facebook:


Have any good stories about young J.B.? Hop in below or shoot us an email.

Top photos: Facebook; Photo of Tucker Max: Getty Images