[There was a video here]

Arizona State professor Dr. Ersula Ore was pull aside by campus police last month for trying to cross in the middle of a street. They asked Ore for her ID and that's when the incident first starts to escalate. In the space of about five minutes, the officers then attempt to handcuff a resistant Ore, eventually getting her in cuffs after slamming her to the ground. Police arrested Ore and charged her with aggravated assault and Ore has since accused the officers of excessive force.

In the dashcam video obtained by KTVK and embedded above (audio plays throughout but there isn't any actual footage until about the 2:15 mark), you can hear Ore explain to Officer Stewart Ferrin why she was crossing the street where she was: because construction has obstructed the regular walkway, forcing pedestrians to walk in the street.

"I never once saw a single solitary individual get pulled over by a cop for walking across a street on a campus, in a campus location. Everybody has been doing this because it is all obstructed. That's the reason why," Ore says to Ferrin. "But you stop me in the middle of the street to pull me over and ask me, 'Do you know what this is? This is a street.' "

As the video continues, Ore struggles with Officer Ferrin as he attempts to handcuff her and tries to force her arms behind her back. From KTVK:

"Put your hand behind your back. I'm going to slam you on this car. Put your hand behind your back," Ferrin said.

"You really want to do that? Do you see what I'm wearing? Do you see?" Ore said.

She was wearing a black dress and after being "slammed" onto the car, she was wrestled to the ground. Her dress hiked up and her body was exposed.

What follows is Officer Ferrin slinging Ore around before throwing her to the ground. Another officer jumps in to help hold her down and a third can be seen observing. Both Ferrin and Ore apparently sustained minor injuries. Ore was charged by police with aggravated assault on a police officer, along with criminal damage and obstructing a thoroughfare.

ASU's official statement as released to KTVK:

ASU authorities have reviewed the circumstances surrounding the arrest and have found no evidence of inappropriate actions by the ASUPD officers involved. Should such evidence be discovered, an additional, thorough inquiry will be conducted and appropriate actions taken.

"Because the underlying criminal charges are pending, there is not much more we can say at this time. The Maricopa County Attorney's Office has reviewed all available evidence, including the police report, witness statements, and audio and video recordings of the incident, and decided to press criminal charges of assaulting a police officer, resisting arrest, refusing to provide identification when requested to do so by an officer, and obstructing a highway or public thoroughfare.

Ore has said she plans to fight the charges.

[Video KTVK]