In a speech at Dartmouth's campus on Thursday, the college's president, Philip J. Hanlon, announced that there will be a campus-wide ban on hard liquor from March 30 onward. The New York Times reports that this decision is in response to a "spate of student misbehavior that has tarnished the reputation" of the school.

Hanlon's speech referenced Greek life on campus, explaining that there will be other activities put into place that students can access as alternatives to joining fraternities or sororities. Hanlon also spoke firmly about Greek life in reference to the ban, explaining that if the organizations didn't comply, there would be consequences. Via the New York Times:

"Organizations that choose not to fulfill these higher standards will not be a part of our community," Dr. Hanlon said. And while he is not inclined to ban fraternities and sororities, he said, "if the Greek system as a whole does not engage in meaningful, lasting reform, we will revisit its continuation on our campus."

The spate of "student misbehavior" the Times refers to includes "sexual assault, fraternity hazing and racial slurs." The hard liquor ban is intended to curve and forestall some of this behavior.

Hanlon said in his speech that the alcohol ban will cover any liquor that is over 15 percent alcohol and that hard alcohol will no longer be made available at public events. From the Times:

Officials said the ban will apply to any liquor that is 15 percent alcohol — barely more than most wine — or more, and will take effect when the spring term begins March 30. Dr. Hanlon said the college will also increase penalties for people who provide alcohol to minors and to any student in possession of hard liquor, but did not offer any details.

As the Times points out, over half of Dartmouth's students belong to fraternities and sororities on campus.

[Image via AP]