A Missouri man was arrested last week after he reportedly posted an ad on Craigslist soliciting individuals to beat and rape his 11-year-old daughter.

Anthony Brinkman, 32, of Cuba, was taken into custody shortly after making contact with an undercover police officer posing as an interested party.

The St. Louis County Police Department was made aware of the ad after a Craigslist user flagged it for "abuse."

Undercover detectives reached out to Brinkman, who claimed he was seeking a woman to be his girlfriend and help him sexually assault his daughter with sex toys.

After sending the detectives photos of the girl, Brinkman and an officer agreed to meet at a local Cracker Barrel to seal the deal.

Officers were waiting for Brinkman when he arrived with his daughter, and arrested him on a charge of attempted statutory sodomy.

"It’s just a lot of talk for most of these guys, but this guy actually brought (the girl) to the scene to go ahead with the next step of enacting it," St. Louis County Detective Mike Slaughter told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Police do not currently suspect that Brinkman had previously abused the girl, but say the man may be in possession of child porn.

Prosecutors say they intend to put additional sex trafficking charges before a grand jury.

"Isn’t your first thought, ‘Am I going to get caught?’ and ‘Are people just going to sit by and say this is OK?'" said Slaughter. "But sometimes the Internet gives you a false sense of security."

[screengrab via KSDK]