In an apparent reference to doodle-rapper Kitty Pryde's sexual-assault defense of Danny Brown's handling of getting his dick sucked on stage last week (about which she later gloated to Stereogum, "I been smarter than you guys this whole time"), a crowd of guys at the pair's New York show last night chanted, "Suck his dick! Suck his dick!" throughout her opening set, according to The Village Voice's Devon Maloney. Maloney writes:

Where Kitty could have met the challenge of a mercilessly disrespectful — and terrifyingly misogynistic — crowd with equal vim (we've seen that energy, on songs like "R.R.E.A.M." and "UNfollowed") she seems to repeatedly shy away from the forceful stage presence a room like Irving requires in favor of maintaining that abashed, bedroom-giggle stage persona.

Maloney goes on to take Brown to task for not only failing to come to Kitty Pryde's defense, but also for barely acknowledging the harassment:

...Unless he was willfully ignoring the rest of the night via kush coma, there's no way Brown could have missed how the crowd treated his opener. On the one hand, Kitty is a big girl who ought to be able to carry her own weight on a tour like this; it's part of the deal. On the other, it would be cool, for once, to watch a rapper as currently beloved as Danny Brown come out and straight-up eviscerate those crowd members who tried to make "his baby girl Kitty" (his words) feel small and shitty and unsafe after she penned 1,500 words (and over the past year, likely thousands more) ripping into his critics. Throughout their relationship, despite her insistence that they are friends, Brown hasn't put half as much work into that friendship as one might expect; where she crows about his talents, he keeps quiet about hers. Her aesthetic and loyalty to him amplify his image, but when she took the heat last night for the shit that happened to him in Minneapolis? I'd like to think his line "Thanks for giving it up for my baby girl Kitty" was a cloaked jab at the clowns who thought it was funny to chant SUCK HIS DICK at her, but no one with a brain is naïve enough to think it could've been successful.

So Kitty Pryde is Danny Brown's loyal fangirl and Danny Brown is a shitty friend. Big surprise, big deal. What's illuminating is the way both artists have responded to this piece. Brown has retweeted defenders:

He also responded to Maloney directly:

Kitty Pryde, meanwhile, has written a Tumblr post defending Brown for not defending her. If you click on that, get ready for a My Little Pony to flutter by and obscure some words. Here is how it reads, in part:

i go to shows all the time and stand around like, why is this motherfucker opening, please get off the stage

it happens it’s a thing

and my own brothers have chanted much worse things at me in public

it’s like

i am the one that is cute on this stage and after this im gonna go hang out with the guy you people paid so much money to “meet & greet” and he doesnt think ur cool for being mean to me so have a lovely evening enjoy the show and good luck trying to sneak a 40 oz back into your house w/o your mom noticing

but i can yell at dumb swagboys on my own i dont need a big strong black man to do it for me

But Danny Brown, apparently, needed a sensitive 1,500 words to defend him from oral sex.

Meanwhile, it is clear that Kitty Pryde will take every opportunity to remind you how much tighter she is with Danny Brown than you wannabe listeners (last week's defense screed opened with a derisive breakdown of the two types of female Danny Brown fans). These two deserve each other.

[Kitty Pryde image via Facebook / Danny Brown image via Getty]