Critics Accuse Obama of Snubbing Troops After Obama Honors Troops

Saturday was Armed Forces Day. How did you celebrate? Oh, you didn't know? Neither did Commander-In-Chief Hussein Obummer. He was too busy celebrating International Day Against Homophobia Or Transphobia. That's according to right-wing bloggers. And they'd never steer you wrong! Right?
Riiiiiight. First, here's the outrage:
Today was Armed Forces Day. Armed Forces Day was created under Harry Truman in 1949, celebrating all the branches of the military. Among other things, it was meant to be a day to honor and acknowledge the people of the Armed Forces of the United States.
Many recognized it today, including Senator Ted Cruz and Rep. Darrell Issa...
But our President, our Commander-In-Chief, failed to recognize it in his Twitter account, although the account recognized 'International Day Against Homophobia Or Transphobia', even using the #IDAHOT hashtag...
Various embassies followed suit, going to the trouble to recognize the IDAHOT date by displaying the Pride flag, but making no mention of Armed Forces Day...
No presidential tweet for the troops? That bastard. Or, as other reasonable commentators put it, "While He Kills Troops In VA, Obama Ignores Armed Forces Day" and "Honors Gays & Trannies Instead of Armed Forces." You could practically hear FoxNation's heart breaking.
It's especially unfortunate that all those U.S. embassies ignored Armed Forces Day, seeing as how the State Department oversees the armed forces. That's how it works, isn't it? I mean, they banned their Marines from using ammunition in a surrender to Islam, didn't they? (Serious question: Do these conservapundits realize that many brave foreign service officers have been gay? Like, say, Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was killed in Benghazi?)
The most troubling aspect of all this, though, is that effete leftist terrorist-palling president of ours COMPLETELY snubbing the troops and pretending Armed Services Day just never happened, all so he can prance around with the gays, as is his wont. What is wrong with this America-effeminizer?
Just to confirm the absolute lunkheadedness of this awful administration, I went over to the White House website to see what other gay-hugging troop-hating communist propaganda they'd promulga—- what's this?
For Immediate Release
May 16, 2014
Presidential Proclamation:
Armed Forces Day, 2014
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In every generation, there are men and women who stand apart. They put on the uniform and put their lives on the line so the rest of us might live in a safer, freer, more just world. They defend us in times of peace, times of war, and times of crisis, both natural and man-made. On Armed Forces Day, we honor the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen who render the highest service any American can offer.
The patriots who stand sentry for our security are a proud link in an unbroken chain that stretches through the centuries. This generation has distinguished itself on mission after mission, tour after tour. Because of their heroism, the core of al-Qaeda is severely degraded and our homeland is more secure. Thanks to their extraordinary sacrifice, we are winding down more than a decade of war and strengthening alliances that extend our values. These are the gifts they have given us, and this is why we owe them a profound debt of gratitude.
It is our obligation to ensure our troops have all they need to complete their missions abroad, but we must also support them when they return home. We must care for the families who serve alongside them and fulfill our promises today, tomorrow, and forever. And we must demonstrate our thanks by building a Nation worthy of their sacrifices, a Nation that lives up to our founding ideals and allows every citizen to write their chapter of the American story.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, continuing the precedent of my predecessors in office, do hereby proclaim the third Saturday of each May as Armed Forces Day...
Finally, I call upon all Americans to display the flag of the United States at their homes on Armed Forces Day, and I urge citizens to learn more about military service by attending and participating in the local observances of the day. I also encourage Americans to volunteer at organizations that provide support to our troops and their families.
Well... but that's just a presidential proclamation. Where's the tweet, dammit? Socialism!
[Photo credit: AP]