The bundle of paranoia and sporadic searing insight that is Courtney Love was on Opie and Anthony's Sirius show Thursday. During her appearance, she mentioned that she was going to appear on a network reality show soon. This is a "big thing," she said, and her described wariness of "doing TV" made it sound like this is more than a one-episode guest gig.

She wouldn't say what the show is, but she would say what it isn't:

  • "Some E! channel Courtney’s life thing"
  • The Voice
  • So You Think You Can Dance

When asked repeatedly if it was American Idol, she also wouldn't say, which is a curious question to refuse to answer, don't you think? She said the show is looking for "disaffected females and homosexuals." That doesn't sound much like Idol, though, as that show tends to portray its contestants as BFFs who all want each other to win. It sounds more like a dating show. Can you imagine if Courtney Love was the next Bachelorette? Or better yet, the center of a Rock of Love reboot? They could call it Love of Love.

With her tendency for babbling and coarseness, Courtney seems like way too much of a liability to put on live-ish TV multiple times a week. But of course, that would be total incentive to watch and the genius of casting her. Fingers crossed.