The man accused of shooting at George Zimmerman is not enjoying his time out on bail: neighbors say he was rearrested this week after he peed on a neighbor’s porch in an apparent act of retaliation.

Matthew Apperson was first arrested in May when he allegedly wounded an old enemy—Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman—in an apparent road rage incident.

Despite claiming self-defense stemming from an earlier run in with Zimmerman, Apperson was charged with attempted murder and released on bail.

Now, neighbors say, he’s spending his time drunkenly wandering around the neighborhood shouting expletives and spraying urine.

“What caught my attention was he said, ‘F*** the police,’ and he just kept mumbling to himself,” said Tony Woods.

Woods was working in Apperson’s Winter Springs neighborhood a few weeks ago.

“Well, there’s somebody hungover from the night before, you know, no big deal. Then, he said ‘F*** you, too,’ continued Woods.

It’s what Woods said he saw Apperson do after the fact that alarmed him.

“I was totally taken aback when he was yelling at me and then he stopped and he was urinating on her door or her front porch. I couldn’t believe it,” said Woods. “Like, that’s his spot like he’s some kind of dog trying to mark his territory,” said Woods.

Woods said he was about 50 feet away from Apperson. The neighbor is a woman Local 6 introduced you to back in May. The two have had a long-standing feud. The day Apperson was accused of shooting at George Zimmerman in Lake Mary, she told Local 6, “he has called me names, insulted me..etc, etc...blown smoke in my face the way he did reporters’ face,” she said.

The state hopes to use the new misdemeanor disorderly conduct charge to convince a judge to revoke Apperson’s bond.

Is everyone in Florida insane?????

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