[There was a video here]

Three California deputies who repeatedly punched and kicked an apparently subdued suspected horse thief on live television earlier this year have been charged with assault by a police officer, the L.A. Times reports.

In April, 10 San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputies were put on administrative leave when an NBC news helicopter captured them swarming around a tased chase suspect and striking him dozens of times over two minutes.

After reviewing the footage, District Attorney Mike Ramos said at a press conference on Tuesday that just three of the deputies “crossed the line” and would be charged. From KNBC:

Video that showed deputies repeatedly punching and kicking Pusok as he lay on the ground was studied “frame by frame” during the investigation, Ramos said.

Deputies said a stun gun was ineffective due to his loose clothing.

The group surrounding the man grew to 11 sheriff’s deputies. Pusok appeared to have been kicked 17 times, punched 37 times and struck with batons four times, a review of the video showed, and 13 blows appeared to be to the head.

“We carefully took a look at every individual in this case,” said Ramos. “And, it’s really important that you can see the terrain. Those bushes are tall. You can’t see around them. So when these other officers are running up... They hear something the other officers are yelling, not knowing the circumstances.”

If convicted, each of the deputies face up to three years in prison. According to an FBI spokesperson, a federal civil rights investigation into the incident is ongoing.

[Video via NBC//h/t Buzzfeed]