An audio technician working on the television show Cops was killed by police gunfire after a robbery at a Wendy's in Omaha, Neb. yesterday. According to the Omaha World-Herald, at least 30 shots were fired in the shootout.

Omaha Deputy Police Chief Dave Baker said an officer saw the gunpoint robbery in progress at around 9:20 p.m. last night and called for backup, and the shootout began after the suspect exited the restaurant, WOWT reports. Officials believe that all of the shots fired came from police, according to the World-Herald.

Both the suspect and the Cops technician were wounded and later died at Nebraska Medical Center, and the police have not released the names of either of the dead or the officers involved.

As the World-Herald notes, Cops crew members wear bulletproof vests while working. The show had been filming in Omaha since June.

Omaha Police Chief Todd Schmaderer will hold a press conference on the shooting this afternoon.

[Image via WOWT]