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The local NBC affiliate KARE has a recording of what seems to be police scanner audio from the moments before St. Anthony police officers stopped Philando Castile on Wednesday. “The two occupants just look like people who have been involved in a robbery,” a man can be heard saying on the tape. “The driver looked more like one of our suspects, just ‘cause of the wide-set nose.”

KARE notes that it has not been able to independently verify the authenticity of the tape, but that a license plate number mentioned matches Castile’s car, and that the locations mentioned correspond to the stop as well. Shortly after the officers pulled Castile over, Officer Jeronimo Yanez shot him and killed him, apparently as he reached for his wallet. The audio is below, followed by a transcript. (KARE redacted Castile’s plate number.)

Officer: I’m going to stop a car...I’m going to check IDs. I have reason to pull it over.

The two occupants just look like people who have been involved in a robbery. The driver looked more like one of our suspects, just ‘cause of the wide-set nose.

A minute and a half later on the recording, according to KARE, an officer frantically calls dispatch, mentioning shots fired.

Officer: Shots fired, Larpenteur and Fry.

Dispatch: Copy. You just heard it? You just heard the shots fired?

Officer: Code 3! Shots fired.

Dispatch: Copy. Shots fired, Larpenteur and Fry. Do you need medics?

Officer: Code 3!

Dispatch: Copy. Medics, Code 3 to Larpenteur and Fry.

Officer: One adult female taken into custody. Driver at gunpoint.

The stop that precipitated Castile’s death was far from the first time police pulled him over. According to NBC News reporter Tom Winter, he’d been stopped 31 times for traffic violations since 2002.