Finishing up a routine stop of a driver who didn't have his headlights on, an Ankeny, Iowa, police officer suddenly realized who he'd just pulled over. One of them. Yes, a disc golfer. That's okay, though: Officer Aaron knew the job could be dangerous when he took it, and he was ready to get serious.

It's well known in Iowa that frolf enthusiasts carry weed on their persons basically 100 percent of the time and are probably high right now. Although this gentleman repeatedly denied having any marijuana in his vehicle, he also said he plays disc golf "a lot, actually." That's almost a confession! Better keep grilling the suspect.

"You admitted that you had smoked weed in the past during our conversation," King said. What the driver actually said was "I'm not going to tell you one way or another," but that's basically "yes," right?

"Well, that's a yes," the officer insisted. Somehow, that wasn't enough to get permission to search the car.

Despite King's reliance on well-established stereotypes and airtight logic, the Ankney Police Department mysteriously called his line of questioning "foolish and not representative of the Ankeny Police Dept.'s training or interactions with the public" and said "this verbal exchange did not meet the level of professionalism expected of Ankney police officers."

If the department isn't going to crack down on the weed-smoking frolfer menace, it looks like it'll be up to one cop to go it alone and clean up Ankeny's mean streets. Godspeed, brave hero.

[h/t Daily Dot]