The reported ceasefire between the Nigerian government and Boko Haram, the terrorist group still holding more than 200 girls captive, does not appear to be working out, as violence over the weekend put the possibility of the girls' return on even more tenuous ground.

As Reuters reports, while the Nigeria's Air Chief Marshal Alex Badeh announced the deal last Friday, it was not confirmed by Boko Haram. At least five attacks have occurred since the announcement.

From CNN:

In one attack, militants ambushed travelers in the Borno state village of Shaffa, residents of the area said, killing eight people and abducting others.

Boko Haram gunmen also stormed the village of Waga in Adamawa state, abducting a number of residents, including women, residents there told CNN.

Insurgents also occupied the town of Abadam, near Niger, after killing an unknown number of residents in their attack, residents said.

According to Reuters, negotiations between the government and the insurgency are expected to continue in Chad on Monday, but family members of those kidnapped are skeptical of whether they will be productive.

[Image via AP]