A Connecticut burglar has been brought to justice thanks to a prodigal young artist.

The Stratford Police Department reached out to their local community for help in catching the perpetrator behind a series of burglaries, the New York Daily News reports. Rebecca DePietro answered their call with an extraordinarily true-to-life sketch that I could have sworn was a photograph upon first viewing.

The drawing helped law enforcement apprehend their suspect, a man who appears to have single rake tines for hands and an appetite for buhsketti sauce and/or snakes.

DePietro told NBC Connecticut that her sketch “wasn’t, like, the best picture,” but I disagree. I feel like it is good, this art. In lieu of finding anyone in the art world to confirm my gut instinct, I screamed “IS THIS GOOD” out my back window. I will update the story if and when I hear back.

Photos via the New York Daily News’ YouTube channel