The video below shows a plainclothes NYPD officer cranking back his leg and driving the toe of his boot into another man's head. "So what?" you might be saying. "Cops beat the shit out of people all the time." In this case, however, the victim was another cop.

The video, shot in January by photographer Rod Risbrook and published on DNAinfo, opens on two police officers struggling with an alleged fare-dodger in the Coney Island/Stillwell Avenue subway station. Shortly after it begins, several more plainclothes officers rush in, and with a loud thud, an officer in a gray sweatshirt and Timberlands plants the kick. "He kicked a cop," a woman behind the camera can be heard laughing. "He kicked the cop." Realizing what he's done, the officer gives his buddy a little pat on the head, and then, for good measure, gets on top of the suspect and clocks him in the face.

According to DNAinfo, the officer, whose name is unknown, was stripped of his gun and badge, and internal affairs and the Brooklyn District Attorney's officer are investigating the incident. The suspect pled guilty to a reduced charge.