Republicans in the Texas House of Representatives rushed to approve a “campus carry” measure last night that will allow students at the state’s public and private universities to carry concealed weapons in classrooms, buildings, and even dorms. The bill’s sponsor, State Rep. Allen Fletcher, said the measure would address crime on campus.

Democrats tried to block the bill by adding amendments, but ultimately the amendments were dropped and the bill passed 101-47. It will go to the State Senate now and then to Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, who’s expected to sign, according to the New York Daily News.

Per the Dallas Morning News, Democrats pushed to include private universities in the legislation in the hopes that “powerful people” will pay attention and protest. There’s also the caveat that students must be 21 years or older to carry guns under this legislation. Democratic State Rep. Terry Canales told the Morning News that the whole bill is crazy, basically, but what can he do? “I own a boatload of guns, and it still doesn’t make any damn sense,” he said.

CBS News points out that at the same time the House voted to approve campus carry, the State Senate’s Republican majority dropped a bill “that would have protected child welfare agencies that block gays and same-sex couples from adopting children on religious grounds from lawsuits.” So that’s something.

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