An unfortunately placed gold panel captured the imaginations of thousands of cycling enthusiasts this weekend when the Colombian women's team debuted their new team uniforms.

The team wore the color-blocked unitards to a cycling competition in Italy, where photographs from the event were eventually marked by Twitter with a warning: "The following media may contain sensitive material."

As it turns out, the cycling team did not in fact flash the world. According to NPR, it was a well-intentioned but poorly executed design:

According to the Chasing Wheels website, the section that has made some viewers do a double-take is not a "nude" color, it's gold — and "Lycra done as gold effect never photographs well. It's unfortunate, but there you are."

As for the design, it seems to have come from one of the team's members, cyclist Angie Tatiana Rojas Suarez, according to both the and El Tiempo.


Most of Rojas' recent messages on Twitter and Facebook skirt the uniform issue, choosing instead to celebrate her team's work in Italy.

But she did retweet a comment that said, "The uniform may not be the most beautiful and we may not like it, but there's no need for certain comments."

Even so, Brian Cookson, the president of the Union Cycliste, condemned the suggestive kits, saying on Twitter that, "It is unacceptable by any standard of decency."

[image via ÚltimoKilómetro]