Pity Paul Roof, the Charleston Southern University associate professor who claims he lost his job after an image of his insane, four-pronged beard showed up on a beer can from a local brewery.

The professor was competing in the "freestyle" category of a beard contest in New Orleans when the photo above was taken, and in 2013, Holy City Brewing began using the image on the label of its terribly named Chucktown Follicle Brown beer.

When Charleston Southern, a Christian liberal arts school, got wind of the label, Roof says, he was promptly canned. The University allegedly argued that the beer placement was "not representative of a Christian environment."

Roof claims he was not aware his likeness would be used until the beers were already in production. He told Charleston's News 2:

"My image and likeness, which I do not own, that I've never received compensation for and it was a surprise for me that it was put on a beer can by Holy City Brewing."

The professor wouldn't discuss the terms of his firing with the local news outlet because he's currently seeking legal counsel. For now, he says, he's just looking for a little old-fashioned Christian compassion:

"I was told that it was not representative of a Christian environment. And for me a Christian environment entails two things: looking out for other people and forgiveness of others who've transgressed you."

[Image via Greg Anderson]