[There was a video here]

CNN just aired an audio tape, allegedly recorded during the Michael Brown shooting, in which eleven gunshots can be heard—nearly double the number of shots originally reported. CNN says it has not independently verified the tape's authenticity.

The recording, first played played late Monday night, was allegedly made by a man video chatting in a building near where Brown was fatally shot August 9.

After airing the tape, anchor Don Lemon interviewed the man's attorney, Lopa Blumenthal, who said the FBI had already interviewed both her and her client.

"He heard loud noises, and at the time he didn't even realize the import of what he was hearing until afterwards, and it just happened to have captured 12 seconds of what transpired outside of his building," Blumenthal said.

Lemon said Monday that CNN was still waiting on confirmation from the FBI.

"We had been told that at least six shots were fired at Michael Brown. In the tape that you have, which is alleged to be of the shooting—we can't independently authorize it, as CNN, because we did not shoot it, but there were more than six shots," Lemon said.

"I personally heard at least eleven," Blumenthal said.