Cliven Bundy will travel to Oregon to demonstrate against Ammon and Ryan Bundy’s incarceration, OPB reports. Last week, Cliven urged those militia members still occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge to stand their ground—thereby contradicting Ammon’s wishes.

Four armed militants remain at the wildlife refuge. Ammon, Ryan, and 14 others were charged last week with one count each of federal conspiracy to impede federal officers. Cliven will travel to Burns and Portland, about which some residents are apprehensive. From OPB:

A local group called the Harney County Committee of Safety formed initially under the guidance of Ammon Bundy with the intent of “safeguarding individual rights.” The committee supported some of the aims of the refuge occupiers, like turning over federal land to local control, but did not condone the occupation.

Committee member Tim Smith expressed ambivalence at the prospect of the elder Bundy’s visit.

“I don’t know what it would mean to us,” said Smith. “We’re going to continue on with our process and our goals and our committee and not get distracted by other things.”

“There is a Nevadan [Ryan Bundy] sitting in jail, and as an office holder, I will be there to demand his release,” Nevada State Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, a Bundy ally, said. “If that Nevadan can’t leave Oregon, we will bring Nevada to him. Peaceful, of course.”

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