Donald Trump’s rallies generally boil down to three main points: He’s going to build a wall, Mexico’s going to pay for it, and he’s going to waterboard a bunch of terrorists. It’s hard to imagine any of those things actually happening, but the CIA says the waterboarding plan is 100 percent off the table.

“I will not agree to have any CIA officer carry out waterboarding again,” CIA director John Brennan says, in an interview set to air tonight on NBC News. ““I will not agree to carry out some of these tactics and techniques I’ve heard bandied about because this institution needs to endure.”

Though waterboarding was banned in 2009, Trump has repeatedly declared his intention to bring the practice back—or to deploy something “a hell of a lot worse”—to the delight of his supporters, a response which I believe the Germans have a word for.

His son, Eric, has also defended the idea, telling Greta Van Susteren the torture technique is no different than pledging a fraternity for terrorists.