Chris Hansen Wants You to Pay for Him to Keep Hitting on Sex Offenders

Famed sexter and former To Catch a Predator host Chris Hansen isn't letting a lawsuit or a scandal or losing all his money get him down . Especially not when he can have yours instead. Tomorrow, Hansen will launch a Kickstarter campaign for a new series that is apparently not a joke: Hansen vs. Predator.
Hansen gushed about his nadir in a recent LA Times profile, explaining that he'd "shopped the new series around to different TV networks and syndications, but found that 'the best way to do this is shoot the next investigation and show that we have it.'" Which is a very nice way of saying that his show made the same networks that air footage of women compulsively eating their husbands ashes vaguely uncomfortable.
Obviously, the internet of today is nearly unrecognizable from his chatroom-based heyday in the mid-aughts. But Chris is ready, informing the LA Times very specifically that "now there are 22 ways to communicate online." The 22 are, of course: Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, e-mail, Grindr, Snapchat, Tindr, Meerkat, Tumblr, Snapchat, Yik Yak, Kik, SMS, Craigslist, Skype, Snapchat, Google Docs, Snapchat, the forums at, Vine, Snapchat, and Kinja.
If you do decide to give your money to the former host and adulterer, your rewards—in addition to once again being able to revel in another damaged human's criminal sickness—could include sex offender-themed t-shirts and mugs. Plus, if you have $150 to blow, you can snag an outgoing voicemail message from Chris Hansen himself, likely something along the lines of "Hi, I'm Chris Hansen," "Take a seat," or "Please, let me die." [The LA Times]