TMZ reports that insufferable manchild Chris Brown threw a rock through the window of the car of his mother, Joyce Hawkins (better known as the caps lock addict "Mombreezy" to the willfully ignorant tweens and teens who follow her on Twitter because they can't get enough of all things Breezy). This allegedly happened after a disagreement they had at the rehab facility Brown recently dipped in and out of (he checked in October 29, and was booted 13 days later after throwing the rock). Says the digi-rag:

According to the [probation] report, Chris' mom showed up for a family session and was urging her son to stay in the facility for extended treatment. Apparently, Chris violently disagreed with her and in a fit of anger threw a rock through her car window, shattering it.

In response to the story, Hawkins posted the tweet embedded above, absolving her son of his sins. Of course she did—without this stage mom worshipping the ground he glides on and otherwise enabling him, he might have never turned into the tantrum-throwing overgrown toddler that he is today. (Never forget her greatest Twitter hit.)

In addition to getting Brown booted from rehab, his latest outburst may have violated his probation he was given in his Rihanna case. A judge has ordered him to 90 days in a rehab facility, as well. The latest TMZ post on the Breezy saga reports, "Chris Brown's mom thinks his friends are a bunch of disrespectful scumbags who got him hooked on drugs and turned him into a thug … this according to sources close to the Brown family." It would seem that Brown inherited an allergy to accountability from his mom.

Mombreezy's Twitter feed, by the way, is truly exceptional—as close to a trainwreck reality show as a sparse set of words and sparser set of sense gets. FOLLOW HER, ANGELS!!!