[There was a video here]

Cher guested on last night's episode of Watch What Happens Live. Unfortunately, she wasn't dressed as a Muppet with a Muppet on top of her head, but nonetheless Andy Cohen ejaculated a steady stream of rainbow facials at her for the duration of their chat.

They played several gay games (none of them were Meet Me at the Mall). During Gypsies, Tramps and Tea!, Cohen asked Cher about several of her former co-workers and associates. She affectionately spoke of Tom Cruise and later told Cohen that they were "pretty hot and heavy for a little minute." The Cruise she knew was a "great, lovable guy." Later, she said that he was in her Top 5 best lovers of all time.

Cher has talked about her romantic relationship with Cruise in the '80s before, most explicitly to Oprah. She's probably telling the truth, although Cher would be the perfect person to lie on your behalf if you were, for example, gay and determined to stay closeted. Cher's a straight talker who knows gay men well! No one would ever suspect Cher of lying! Anyone who's seen her Twitter knows she has a hard enough time getting the truth out.

In the clip above, I left in the part where Cohen set up the game of Truth or Cher!?, in which Cher was asked to either reveal a Cher truth or take a Cher dare. After he had breathlessly explained this game for 45 minutes and asked her to make a selection, Cher exasperatedly told Cohen, "I have no idea what you're talking about!" Ha! Cher despair.

Also, she admitted that she's had a lesbian lover in the past. "Who hasn't?" she said. Tom Cruise?