Drivers on Interstate 270 in Frederick, Md. were treated to a free-for-all cash-grab this morning after an armored car came open while driving, spilling a pile of cash onto the pavement.

According to local news outlet WBAL, the truck's door swung open at around 8 a.m. after a lock malfunctioned, sending a bag of money sliding out. Naturally, drivers began pulling over and scooping up bills.

The armored car's driver told police he pulled over as quickly as he could, but by the time he was stopped, he said he saw several vehicles that were stopped on the highway, and people were picking up the cash.

Eventually a fire department vehicle arrived and turned on its emergency lights, and those who were picking up the cash got back in their cars and left.

It's unclear how much cash was inside to begin with, but by the time order was restored, just $200 remained. Maryland State Police, bless them, are reportedly urging drivers to return whatever cash they found. Good luck with that.

[Image via Ismagilov/Shutterstock]