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An explosion in the Turkish capital of Ankara left 27 people dead and at least another 75 wounded.

According to BBC, the blast, caused by a vehicle packed with explosives, went off in Guvenpark in the Kizilay district, close to the city’s main square. Several cars and a bus caught on fire, and the wounded were taken to 10 hospitals throughout the city.

No one has claimed responsibility for the blast yet, but officials suspect a Kurdist militant group, the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

The incident is the latest in a string of horrific bombings in Ankara. On February 17, a similar suicide car bombing killed 29 people, and double suicide bombings in October that left 103 people dead.

“We don’t know when and where there will be another attack, but it’s apparent now that they can’t be prevented, and everyone is on edge,” Mehmet Arabaci, an Ankara resident, told The New York Times.

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