Where exactly did fired BuzzFeed editor Benny Johnson plagiarize from? Here’s a list of sources we’ve compiled from the series of corrections BuzzFeed has added to Johnson’s articles:

  1. About.com
  2. Advertising Age
  3. Associated Press
  4. BabySaidWhat.com
  5. The Boston Globe
  6. The Catholic News Herald
  7. CBS News
  8. CNN
  9. Creative Guerilla Marketing
  10. EverythingMouse.com
  11. Fox News
  12. The Good Fight: Hard Lessons from Searchlight to Washington (Senator Harry Reid’s autobiography)
  13. The Guardian
  14. Federal Register
  15. The Hill
  16. Marketwatch
  17. National Review
  18. NBC News
  19. The New York Times
  20. The New Yorker
  21. Pictorymag.com
  22. Politico
  23. Prof. Boerner’s Explorations (blog)
  24. Principles of Economics (textbook)
  25. Rep. Sam Johnson (press release)
  26. Senate.gov
  27. Senator Tom Coburn (report)
  28. U.S. News & World Report
  29. United States Botanical Garden (press release)
  30. Wikipedia
  31. The Atlantic Wire
  32. The Washington Post
  33. Yahoo! Answers
  34. Yahoo! Finance