A Swiss business school teacher accidentally taught his students more than they bargained for when he forgot to turn off the overhead projector before browsing sexy videos of amputees.

One student snapped a photo of the projected pornography before the teacher realized his mistake, and sent it to Swiss newspaper 20 Minutes. It went viral from there.

The KV Zürich Business School instructor immediately told school officials about the incident, apologizing and explaining that he didn't know why he didn't just wait until after class to watch porn.

Rene Portenier, director of the school, told 20 Minutes the teacher was popular with students and had never had disciplinary problems in the past. Portenier initially agreed to let the teacher keep his position for a three-week trial period, but the chairman of the school's counsel said Wednesday that the man will be laid off.

[H/T: NYDN, Photo Credit: Joel Blit/Shutterstock]