As local Brooklyn publication Bushwick Daily announced on Monday, the December terror known as SantaCon (where adults dress up as Santa, travel to different bars, and drink themselves stupid) is planning to move from its former home in the East Village to a new parade path in Bushwick. That is, until bars and restaurants in the area announced a boycott.

Almost immediately after Bushwick Daily's story, featuring an email obtained by the publication explaining SantaCon's new stomping grounds, was published, several local spots declared that they would forbid adults dressed as Santa from coming through their doors.

The email from SantaCon organizers, via Bushwick Daily, here:

"SantaCon 2014 is coming to Bushwick on December 13th from 10am till 2pm. We would like to list your venue as one of our participating locations. We are also partnering with the local police precinct, community board and parks department. We are operating as a completely legal and transparent entity that wants to celebrate our annual creative charity event.

If we list your venue, it will be FULL of paying patrons from the hours of 10am to 2pm. In return we ask that you donate a percentage of your ring from those hours to a charity of our choice and that you be fully staffed, as if it was New Year's night. We will provide all holiday music/entertainment. At 2pm we will send out a message to all participants to move to the next location. At that time, you can continue to serve our participants or you can push them out and shut your doors. "

By Tuesday afternoon, several noted Bushwick restaurants and bars said that they would not be letting the drunken shitshow in, especially since the event begins at 10 a.m. and that's when normal people are eating breakfast. Pearl's Social & Billy Club, Three Diamond Door, Roberta's, King's County, and Montana's Trailhouse have all announced their refusal to endure the debauchery on an episode of Roberta's Radio on the Heritage Radio Network from Tuesday.

It's hard to imagine why these establishments wouldn't let SantaCon revelers come have a few beers? Can't be so bad, right??

[Image via AP]