Photo: AP

Historically, America’s unironic pinney-wearers, people who know all the lyrics to “Sweet Caroline,” and 19 year-olds named Chad have had only the stories their dads told them about Ronald Reagan and Chuck Norris jokes to inspire them each election cycle. But this year, in Donald Trump, lacrosse players and beer-pong champions alike have finally found a candidate to stand up for them, the underdogs.

“There is a sentiment among frat guys, lacrosse players and middle class affluent white kids that they are getting persecuted lately,” David Portnoy, the founder Barstool Sports, tells CBS.

“You tell a joke it gets blown out of proportion. You gotta walk on eggshells. There’s kind of that feeling, and Trump, he tells a joke and doesn’t back down. He says things that would normally been frowned upon. At a school, a kid would get expelled. Not that it’s right or wrong, but he’s sort of defending a lot of the things they’ve been attacked for in the last five years or so.”

These dudes have had enough with all the other candidates with their politically correct statements and refusal to publicly call out girls who are seriously, probably PMS-ing. Trump, on the other hand, seems like someone they could actually roofie a beer with.

“It’s an F-U to society, who is telling us we are a bad guy because we like hooking up with girls on spring break,” Portnoy says. “And they see Trump sticking up for that.”

For Trump, patron saint of college students who skipped the “Understanding Consent” seminar during orientation, represents more than just policy, and not just because he has no real policy—it’s because he’s such an asshole he makes other people feel okay about being assholes too.

“Misogyny was an issue about maybe 60, 80 years ago,” another supporter tells the news outlet, adding, “That’s not an issue today.”