Authorities in Mexico are searching for Hari Simran Singh Khalsa, a yoga teacher from Brooklyn who disappeared Tuesday while on a hike in the Tepozteco Mountains. Before he went missing, Khalsa sent his wife Ad Purkh Kaur, née Emily Smith, a selfie from the mountains with the caption, "Looking down on you"; not long after, Kaur received a second text from Khalsa, saying he had "accidentally summited another mountain" and would be "a little later coming back."

Khalsa was in contact with another friend before disappearing: "I'm on top of a really high mountain in Mexico and I'm not exactly sure how to get down," he said. Khalsa, who'd been at a nearby yoga retreat with Kaur, was reportedly carrying with him only a liter of water and a package of trail mix.

Kaur and Khalsa's friends hoped information released by T-Mobile would help track the missing 25-year-old's movements but so far have had no luck; in cooperation with the FBI, the phone company released all the information from Khalsa's phone but said the GPS had been turned off before his disappearance.

Now friends and family are raising money on GoFundMe to hire helicopters and rent special infrared technology to find Khalsa.

"Everyone who knows him, we want to do everything we can, because he's counting on us," family friend Hari Khalsa told CBS New York.

UPDATE 4:32 pm: The Associated Press is reporting that Khalsa has been found dead. Searchers found his body in a narrow ravine, according to the Mexican civil defense official who spoke with the AP.

[Photo via GoFundMe]