It's just a normal day at the movies for Britney Spears and her sons, Sean and Jayden, in the video for her Smurfs 2 single, "Ooh La La." They have popcorn, they have soda, they have hair gel. Britney stage whispers to her sons while a small girl eavesdrops behind them, because you know that movie is boring as shit.

Then Britney gets sucked into the screen and makes eyes at Smurfette. All the Smurfs, really. Spears' eyes are no longer the dead raisins they have been since 2008 — they are almost too alive. Reheated. Microwaved so as to be volcanic.

The song, as my colleague Caity Weaver pointed out, seems to be about fucking. Sorry, I mean smurfing. Britney sings in a voice that sounds like a chorus of baby keyboards, "Take my hand, we can go all night / And spin me round just the way I like / It feels so good, I don't wanna stop / So baby come with me and be my ooh la la." At one point, after her sons have joined her onscreen, she takes their hands.

Britney does a lot of overemphasized mugging in this video, since it's aimed at the kids, regardless of her song's lyrical content. This is kind of like what Barney would look like if Barney had a sexually active vagina.