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Labor MP Jo Cox was murdered in broad daylight Thursday by a man who reportedly yelled “Britain first,” as he fatally shot and stabbed her.

Cox was attacked outside a library, where she had been holding a regular meeting with her constituents. Reports indicate the assailant, who has been identified as 52-year-old Tommy Mair, was waiting outside for her when the meeting ended around 1 p.m. Thursday.

Witnesses tell British media he shot and stabbed her multiple times, leaving her bleeding on the pavement.

“The gun went off twice and then she fell between two cars and I came and saw her bleeding on the floor,” shop owner Hichem Ben Abdallah told ITV News.

Clarke Rothwell told the BBC that the suspect, who was wearing a baseball hat, lunged at Cox with a knife after he opened fire.

“People were screaming and running from the area,” Rothwell added.

At least one witness claims he yelled “Britain first” as he shot Cox, who has been campaigning for Britain to stay in the EU.

Cox, who was married and had two children, was hospitalized in critical condition, where she later succumbed to her injuries. She was 41.

Update 2:15 p.m.

British politicians are mourning Cox, who became a member of Parliament in 2015. In a statement, Prime Minister David Cameron called her a “great star” with a “big heart.”

“This is absolutely tragic and dreadful news. My thoughts are with Jo’s husband Brendan, their two children and their wider family,” Cameron said. “We’ve lost a great star, she was a great campaigning MP with huge compassion and a big heart.”

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn also put out a lengthy statement extolling Cox’s public service and dedication to her work:

“The whole of the Labour Party and Labour family - and indeed the whole country - will be in shock at the horrific murder of Jo Cox today.

“Jo had a lifelong record of public service and a deep commitment to humanity. She worked both for Oxfam and the anti-slavery charity, the Freedom Fund, before she was elected last year as MP for Batley and Spen - where she was born and grew up.

“Jo was dedicated to getting us to live up to our promises to support the developing world and strengthen human rights - and she brought those values and principles with her when she became an MP.

“Jo died doing her public duty at the heart of our democracy, listening to and representing the people she was elected to serve. It is a profoundly important cause for us all.”

He said Ms Cox was “universally liked at Westminster, not just by her Labour colleagues, but across Parliament”.

He added: “In the coming days, there will be questions to answer about how and why she died. But for now all our thoughts are with Jo’s husband Brendan and their two young children. They will grow up without their mum, but can be immensely proud of what she did, what she achieved and what she stood for.

“We send them our deepest condolences. We have lost a much-loved colleague, a real talent and a dedicated campaigner for social justice and peace. But they have lost a wife and a mother, and our hearts go out to them.”

In the meantime, both Vote Leave and Remain have suspended campaigning for the Brexit referendum in the wake of the attack.