An internal NBC News investigation into the dissembler Brian Williams has identified a half-dozen cases in which the anchor is believed to have misrepresented his account of events, including at least one previously unreported episode involving Cairo’s Tahrir Square, the New York Times reports.

Two people with inside knowledge of the investigation told the Times that the incidents being reviewed included Williams’ lies about being under fire in Iraq in 2003; lies about another missile attack Williams claimed took place while he was flying over northern Israel in 2006; and lies about a Navy SEAL giving him a piece of the helicopter that crashed during the mission to kill Osama bin Laden in 2011.

According to the Times, the previously unreported aspect of the investigation revolves around Williams’ correspondence from Tahrir Square during the Arab Spring. It’s not clear exactly the investigation is looking into, but “discrepancies are evident,” the Times reports:

In an appearance... with Jon Stewart on “The Daily Show,” Mr. Williams described his reporting from the square. Speaking of clashes between protesters seeking the overthrow of the Egyptian government, and a pro-government group on horses and camels, he said he had “actually made eye contact with the man on the lead horse.” Mr. Stewart then referred to reports that the pro-government group had used whips. “Yeah,” Mr. Williams replied, “he went around the corner after I saw him, they pulled out whips and started beating human beings on the way.”

The NBC News report on the clash between the protesters that day did not show Mr. Williams in Tahrir Square during the protest. Subsequent reports said that Mr. Williams was reporting “from a balcony overlooking Tahrir Square,” rather than from inside the square itself, a description that matches footage that was broadcast, and that he repeated in an interview with The New York Times last year.

Williams was suspended for six months without pay in February.

Update, 12:50 p.m. – According to the Washington Post, the NBC News investigation has uncovered a total of at least 11 instances in which Williams embellished upon his reporting.

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