A Florida man who made headlines after winning a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to watch the Breaking Bad series finale with the show's stars at a private party in a Hollywood cemetery is back in the news this week after being busted on multiple drug charges.

In a surprise twist worthy of the critically acclaimed show itself, Ryan Lee Carroll of San Carlos Park was arrested last week and charged with felony possession of a synthetic narcotic and felony possession of a controlled substance without a prescription.

He was also booked on a charge of misdemeanor keeping a shop or vehicle for dangerous drugs.

The exact drugs involved have yet to be named by authorities.

Two other men were arrested on similar charges around the same time, at least one of whom appears to be an associate of Carroll's according to a photo the 28-year-old provided the Naples News in September, after winning the Breaking Bad contest.

Sponsored by Aaron Paul, the contest was set up to promote an anti-bullying nonprofit founded by the actor's wife. Individuals who donated to The Kind Campaign were automatically entered into a raffle, with the grand prize being a trip to the Hollywood Forever Cemetery to party with Paul, Bryan Cranston, and the rest of the Breaking Bad cast.

"I think we're going to be in Hazmat suits with them," Carroll told Naples News shortly after winning the raffle. "It's going to be crazy."

Carroll had only been a fan of the show for a year before being picked to be Paul's plus one. "If you start watching it, you can't stop," he was quoted as saying. "It's highly addicting, just like the meth they make (on the show)."

[mug shot via WPTV]