Miley Cyrus appropriated Santa's lap as her own personal crotch-warmer at the Jingle Ball on Friday at New York's Madison Square Garden (see above), but she was a no-show at the Jingle Ball Boston show on Saturday night, thanks to inclement weather. That didn't stop the radio station from hosting the festival, Kiss 108, from claiming that she was there throughout the night, though.

"And yes, Miley's already twerking!" went one spot. It lied.

"She's about to go onstage and soundcheck. We'll bring it to you live," the announcer lied.

Joe P. the Prize Guy claimed to have tripped over Cyrus' little person backup dancer, making her knock into Cyrus. That was a lie.

"It's kind of surreal, like, when you're just walking backstage and you literally, like, bump into Selena Gomez or Miley Cyrus or Fallout Boy. They're all here," the DJ said at another point. That, too, was a lie.

Listen to the lies in the reel below (and, at long last, the admission that Miley Cyrus was not going to be making it to Jingle Ball via her call from the airport):

One thing to note, though, via Maura Johnston (whose tweet alerted me to these clips):

[Image via Getty]