A week after an alleged ceasefire agreement between the Nigerian government and Boko Haram, at least 25 more women have been reportedly abducted by the Islamist militant group.

Multiple outlets, including Reuters and the BBC, report that at least 25 women were taken by gunmen from a town in northeastern Nigeria, one not far from Chibok, where hundreds of girls were abducted and remain in captivity. The Guardian reports that 60 women were captured. The attack by suspected Boko Haram soldiers happened just a day after the ceasefire and an alleged secret meeting to negotiate the release of the kidnapped girls was reported.

John Kwaghe told Reuters that three of his daughters were taken late in the night. "We are confused that hours after the so-called ceasefire agreement has been entered between the Federal Government and Boko Haram insurgents, our girls were abducted by the insurgents," Kwaghe told Reuters. "We urge the government to please help rescue our daughters without further delay, as we are ready to die searching."

This latest report of kidnapped girls casts further suspicion on the legitimacy of the alleged ceasefire with Boko Haram, which has yet to publicly acknowledge the veracity of news reports. Reuters reports that a car bomb at a bus station in northern Nigeria killed five people and injured 12; the attack is believed to have been carried out by Boko Haram.

[Image via AP]