Louisiana Governor and 2016 presidential hopeful Bobby Jindal issued several executive orders this afternoon to drop Common Core in Louisiana altogether. Jindal once supported the education standards, but when the Tea Party changed its mind about them, so did he.

Jindal is going against his own state legislature and education superintendent, as well as Education Secretary Arne Duncan, with this move. Education Superintendent John White and President of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Chas Roemer say Jindal doesn't have the authority to drop the standards without their consent. White told the Times-Picayune that this issue will likely end up in court.

Jindal, clearly, is willing to take his chances. In addition to issuing executive orders to withdraw from the standards and the federally-funded Common Core testing group, he's instructed the state legislature to come up with new education standards specific to Louisiana. In a press conference this afternoon, he called Common Core a "federal takeover." In an April op-ed for USA Today, he compared the program to the Soviet Union's totalitarian regime.

Duncan and White both say Jindal is only dropping Common Core because of recent conservative backlash to the standards. Duncan said on CBS This Morning, "Gov. Jindal was a passionate supporter before he was against it. In that situation it's about politics. It's not about education."

In addition to fighting against Common Core, Jindal remains a staunch advocate for Louisiana's private school voucher program, which the Department of Justice says may violate desegregation efforts.

[Image via AP]