On Saturday, serial party-crasher Bill Murray attended the South Carolina birthday party of one Marvin Larry Reynolds. Murray, for all his innumerable charms, is still just a goofy old white guy, so fittingly, he danced poorly to "Turn Down for What" and "867-5309/Jenny."

Murray's invitation to the intimate living-room fête appears to have come from Brett Mckee, a South Carolina chef who catered the event and whom The Post and Courier describes as a "long-time friend" of the comedian's. Murray turns 64 this week and used the occasion to celebrate his own birthday as well.

He swayed back and forth and wiggled his arms as Lil Jon played.

[There was a video here]

And busted out the air guitar for "Jenny."

[There was a video here]

It's unclear whether Murray actually knew Mr. Reynolds, the party's guest of honor, or if this was one of his famous unannounced appearances. He seems to enjoy the attention, but it's hard not to imagine he'd like to cut a rug just once without it becoming a news story.

[Image via Facebook]