Photo: AP

Pretrial hearings in the criminal assault case against Bill Cosby began this morning in Pennsylvania, where a judge will decide whether the case will continue to trial. But let us not forget that Cosby—who has been accused of similar crimes by almost 60 women—gave a deposition in the case in 2005 admitting to giving women drugs with the intent of sleeping with them, and hiding payoffs from his wife, Camille.

Cosby is currently facing three counts of felony indecent assault related to allegations that he sexually assaulted a woman named Andrea Constand after incapacitating her with drugs. The case initially ended in a civil settlement after Constand filed a criminal complaint in 2005, but Montgomery County prosecutor Kevin Steele reopened the charges after Cosby’s explosive deposition was unsealed last summer.

At last count, 58 women have accused Cosby of sexual assault, though most, if not all, of their claims fall outside their state’s statute of limitations.

The parties are currently arguing whether the prosecution has presented enough evidence for the case to proceed to trial. If it does, Cosby could face up to ten years in prison.