Sen. Bernie Sanders, a man whose hair is as wispy as his voice is raspy, nosed out female education activist Malala Yousafzali in an online poll for the best person in the world that really doesn’t mean anything, anyway.

According to TIME on Monday, the U.S. Senator from Vermont won over 10 percent of the votes (it’s not clear who is actually, seriously voting in this thing), absolutely crushing 18-year-old Yousafzali’s 5.2 percent. Pope Francis slumped in at third place with 3.7 percent. Others in the lower echelons included: President Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Stephen Colbert and a handful of other two-bit no-names.

But relax, Sen. Sanders, there’s no cause for celebration yet. As TIME itself admits, the results of the online survey are virtually meaningless.

TIME’s editors will choose the Person of the Year, the person TIME believes most influenced the news this year, for better or worse. The choice will be revealed Wednesday morning during NBC’s Today show.

Here’s hoping Malala pulls through with a come-from-behind K.O.

[Image via Getty]