Ben Stein, a horny, horny man, went on Fox News yesterday to discuss his ideas about race and the upcoming presidential election. Great idea! Specifically, the old frog-faced lump of play-doh claimed that Barack Obama is the most racist president in the history of the United States. Let's dig in.

Host Shannon Bream sets up the interview with Stein by saying that while sensational stuff like Ebola and ISIS dominates media coverage, polling shows that what voting Americans really care about is the economy. "Always good to see you, beautiful Shannon," the pundit croaks by way of greeting, forcefully reasserting his horniness, then sidesteps the economy question to offer some straight talk: what the upcoming election is really about, he says, is reverse racism, or something.

"With all due respect, I disagree with your poll," he says. "I think [the economy] is what people are saying is their most important issue, but I think what the White House is doing is trying to racialize all politics, and they're especially trying to tell the African-American voter that the GOP is against letting them have a chance at a good life in this economy, and that's just a complete lie."

Things continue along those lines for a while before the hound-doggin' economist gets to his big declaration:

"This president is the most racist president there has ever been in America. He is purposefully trying to use race to divide Americans. Anyone who investigates it even a little bit knows it's hogwash."

Not George Washington, who owned slaves, or Thomas Jefferson, who fucked them, or Andrew Jackson, who presided over the Trail of Tears, but Obama. Ben Stein, if you're still trawling for smart and sexy pregnant ladies to snuggle with, this unseemly historical ignorance surely isn't helping your case.

[h/t TPM]