A special spirit day at Oral Roberts University took a tragicomical turn last week when a bald eagle released into the school's Christ Chapel by a professional handler crashed into a window just as students began chanting "USA! USA!"

The eagle was unharmed, but many of the students could be heard screaming at the sight of America's national animal wiping out in metaphorical fashion.

The bird had apparently become disoriented from the crowd's patriotic hollering.

"It was a bit shocking to see, but we're thankful the eagle is OK," an ORU spokeswoman told Tulsa World.

After the eagle's trainer recovered the bird, university president Dr. William M. Wilson continued with the service, at one point urging students to become "eagles for Christ."

In other words, get led astray by the mindless repetition of an arrogant conviction until you eventually crash into an invisible construct.

[H/T: ABC News]